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Some boxes

[personal profile] extrapenguin -- cat in a cardboard box, ticky-box
[personal profile] sapphire2309 -- cat in a cardboard box, box of delicious angst, ticky-box
[personal profile] china_shop -- cat in a cardboard box, box of sparkles, ticky-box
[personal profile] musesfool -- box of chocolates
[personal profile] princessofgeeks -- box of chocolates
[personal profile] snacky -- cat in a cardboard box, box of chocolates, box of delicious angst, ticky-box
[personal profile] minoanmiss -- cat in a cardboard box, box of sparkles, ticky-box
[personal profile] sylleptic -- cat in a cardboard box, box of chocolates, ticky-box
[personal profile] luzula -- cat in a cardboard box, box of fluffy ducks, box of chocolates, ticky-box
[personal profile] lilly_the_kid -- box of sparkles, box of chocolates, box of delicious angst, box of rainbows and unicorns
[personal profile] out_there -- box of chocolates
[personal profile] goss -- box of sparkles, box of rainbows and unicorns
[personal profile] omens -- box of delicious angst
[personal profile] sophia_sol -- box of chocolates, box of delicious angst, ticky-box
[personal profile] evilinsanemonkey -- box of rainbows and unicorns, ticky-box
[personal profile] trobadora -- cat in a cardboard box, box of chocolates, ticky-box
[personal profile] delacourtings -- box of fluffy ducks
[personal profile] naye -- cat in a cardboard box
[personal profile] brokenallbroken -- cat in a cardboard box, box of fluffy ducks, box of chocolates, box of delicious angst, ticky-box
[personal profile] lunabee34 -- box of delicious angst
[personal profile] heron61 -- cat in a cardboard box, box of chocolates, ticky-box
[personal profile] cyphomandra -- box of delicious angst
[personal profile] eva_rosen -- cat in a cardboard box
[personal profile] corvidology -- box of delicious angst
[personal profile] pocketmouse -- cat in a cardboard box, box of chocolates, ticky-box
[personal profile] kiezh -- cat in a cardboard box, box of sparkles, box of chocolates, box of rainbows and unicorns, ticky-box
[personal profile] isis -- cat in a cardboard box, box of fluffy ducks, box of sparkles, box of chocolates, ticky-box
[personal profile] melannen -- cat in a cardboard box
[personal profile] mergatrude -- cat in a cardboard box, box of fluffy ducks, box of sparkles, box of rainbows and unicorns, ticky-box
[personal profile] sam_gardener -- cat in a cardboard box, box of chocolates, ticky-box
[personal profile] rheasilvia -- cat in a cardboard box, box of sparkles, box of chocolates, box of delicious angst, ticky-box
[personal profile] kurosakiami01 -- cat in a cardboard box, box of fluffy ducks, box of chocolates
[personal profile] krait -- cat in a cardboard box, box of chocolates, box of delicious angst, box of rainbows and unicorns, ticky-box
[personal profile] dariaw -- box of sparkles, box of chocolates
[personal profile] melsheartsthings -- cat in a cardboard box, box of sparkles, box of chocolates
[personal profile] secretsolitaire -- cat in a cardboard box, ticky-box
[personal profile] cookiegirl -- box of fluffy ducks, box of sparkles, box of chocolates, box of rainbows and unicorns
[personal profile] st_aurafina -- cat in a cardboard box, box of sparkles, box of rainbows and unicorns
[personal profile] nafs -- cat in a cardboard box, box of chocolates, ticky-box
[personal profile] telly -- cat in a cardboard box, box of rainbows and unicorns
[personal profile] jainas -- cat in a cardboard box
[personal profile] pulangaraw -- box of fluffy ducks, box of chocolates, box of rainbows and unicorns, ticky-box
[personal profile] satoyan -- box of chocolates
[personal profile] solo -- cat in a cardboard box, ticky-box
[personal profile] i_am_schizo -- box of sparkles, box of delicious angst, box of rainbows and unicorns
[personal profile] vae -- cat in a cardboard box, box of chocolates, ticky-box
[personal profile] resonant -- cat in a cardboard box
[personal profile] tygermama -- ticky-box
[personal profile] ivyfic -- ticky-box
[personal profile] abbylee -- cat in a cardboard box, box of chocolates, box of rainbows and unicorns, ticky-box
[personal profile] starfish -- cat in a cardboard box, box of fluffy ducks, box of chocolates, box of rainbows and unicorns, ticky-box
[personal profile] malimutan -- box of delicious angst
[personal profile] mekare -- cat in a cardboard box, box of sparkles
[personal profile] oracne -- cat in a cardboard box, box of fluffy ducks, box of sparkles, box of delicious angst, box of rainbows and unicorns, ticky-box
[personal profile] mecurtin -- cat in a cardboard box, box of delicious angst, box of rainbows and unicorns
[personal profile] alyndra -- cat in a cardboard box, box of rainbows and unicorns, ticky-box
[personal profile] lokifan -- cat in a cardboard box, box of fluffy ducks, box of sparkles, box of chocolates, box of delicious angst, box of rainbows and unicorns, ticky-box