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What should I do with my first post-raise paycheck to celebrate (around May 15)?

[personal profile] badgerbag -- Massage!
[identity profile] lpsmith.livejournal.com -- Roth IRA. Naked.
[identity profile] bookishfellow.livejournal.com -- http://www.finca.org
[identity profile] rikchik.livejournal.com -- Take friends out for dessert
[personal profile] kalmn -- dinner!
[identity profile] skitty.livejournal.com -- Buy something nice for your home.
[identity profile] lemurtanis.livejournal.com -- Take Ojou someplace fun.
[identity profile] fortunavirilis.livejournal.com -- splurge and take your fiance out somewhere super nice
[personal profile] dine -- buy something cool and/or put a bit on savings
[personal profile] piranha -- go somewhere nice with ojouchan
[identity profile] amythyst.livejournal.com -- Take Jo out for Fondue! at The Melting Pot www.themeltingpot.com
[personal profile] tahnan -- ...puzzles?
[personal profile] valancy -- let there be cake!