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Would you prefer the Lynx site scheme to use a separate hover/focus colour?

[personal profile] jeshyr -- Please don't, I find they make accessibility worse for me
[personal profile] jadelennox -- I don't really mind either way.
[personal profile] turlough -- I prefer them, but they don't affect accessibility, I don't really mind either way.
[personal profile] aveleh -- I prefer them, but they don't affect accessibility
[personal profile] blnchflr -- I don't really mind either way.
[personal profile] trobadora -- I'd prefer not, but it doesn't affect accessibility for me
[personal profile] annotated_em -- I prefer them, but they don't affect accessibility
[personal profile] jesse_the_k -- Yes please, it would help with accessibility for me
[personal profile] falena -- I don't really mind either way.
[personal profile] wednesday -- Yes please, it would help with accessibility for me