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i got a fabulous bruise on my rumpus from my fall the other day! Should i post a picture of it?

[personal profile] harena -- Yes, show it to the World; there's no such thing as TMI!
[identity profile] featheredfrog.livejournal.com -- Wait, what? You fell?
[personal profile] sorcyress -- Yes, post it to your TMI filter and add me to it! (I'll post in the comments who I am)
[personal profile] jannyblue -- Yes, post it to your TMI filter and add me to it! (I'll post in the comments who I am)
[identity profile] robatdt.livejournal.com -- Yes, show it to the World; there's no such thing as TMI!
[personal profile] frozentrout -- Yes, show it to the World; there's no such thing as TMI!