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Cuddling: your position?

[personal profile] dragovianknight -- cuddle-ee
[personal profile] sabinetzin -- For, but only after the weather calms down.
[personal profile] calliopes_pen -- I don't cuddle.
[personal profile] chagrined -- HARDER THAN IT LOOKS
[personal profile] clavally -- Inside? Yes please?
[personal profile] pyrasaur -- Buy me a drink first.
[personal profile] mecurtin -- with cat AND human
[personal profile] coffeesuperhero -- Today, it involves me, my couch, some homemade dessert, , good coffee, Bach and Jason Gideon. (IDK, IDK)
[personal profile] beccastareyes -- Sure.
[personal profile] dema69 -- It's cushy pillow that's just for you!
[personal profile] thingswithwings -- pro? or possibly big spoon?
[personal profile] hellkitty -- spooning!
[personal profile] shadowen -- fuck yeah!
[personal profile] ex_bel786 -- I think it's a good thing.
[personal profile] telesilla -- fine when i want it
[personal profile] kate -- The big spoon.
[personal profile] toft -- octopus
[personal profile] amberfox -- Snuggles! I'll take the bottom/side/back: whichever spot gets to hold
[personal profile] cesare -- spooning
[personal profile] beachlass -- yes please
[personal profile] nenagh_breen -- For! I'm all for cuddling. Who isn't?
[personal profile] reddwarfer -- sometimes
[personal profile] arymabeth -- inside/little spoon
[personal profile] haitchem -- In Favour (little spoon FTW!)
[personal profile] anatsuno -- half on half off
[personal profile] trixieleitz -- between Eames and Mitch Pileggi
[personal profile] lavvyan -- been too effing long
[personal profile] calime -- Tentative