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Poll #2505 West Wing Rewatch?
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 19

Would you be interested in a community orginized rewatch of The West Wing?

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12 (63.2%)

0 (0.0%)

6 (31.6%)

Some how these options don't cover my answer, which I will share in the comments
1 (5.3%)

If you are interested, what season would you like to start with?

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1. Starting at the beginning is logical
17 (89.5%)

2. The second season was the best, anyway
1 (5.3%)

3. Cliff Calley and Simon Donovon, swoon. Also, that primary nomination thing
0 (0.0%)

4. Re-election!
1 (5.3%)

5. Um... What happened in season 5 again?
0 (0.0%)

6. Democratic primaries!
0 (0.0%)

7. I just really like Matt Santos
0 (0.0%)

Some how these options don't cover my answer, which I will share in the comments
0 (0.0%)

How often would you like to watch new episodes?

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Bi-weekly (two episodes a week)
8 (42.1%)

Weekly (one episode a week)
9 (47.4%)

Bi-monthly (one episode every two weeks)
1 (5.3%)

Monthly (one episode every month)
1 (5.3%)

Some how these options don't cover my answer, which I will share in the comments
0 (0.0%)

Ticky box is...

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a Demorcat
4 (22.2%)

a Republican
1 (5.6%)

a Liberitarian
2 (11.1%)

Not an American and therefore a member of a completely different political party
12 (66.7%)

4 (22.2%)