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Where is this love?

[personal profile] commodorified -- Love is all around!
[personal profile] dine -- in the pantry, behind the cookies
[personal profile] metawidget -- Somewhere around the capital region?
[personal profile] cleverthylacine -- Which love are we talking about?
[personal profile] ironphoenix -- All around you
[personal profile] white_hart -- Dunno. Have you looked down the back of the sofa?
[personal profile] random -- Down where the drunkards roll
[personal profile] randomling -- I wish I knew
[personal profile] redbird -- Here, there, and everywhere
[personal profile] coyotegestalt -- Down on the corner.
[personal profile] tenacious_snail -- Mountain View, California
[personal profile] julian -- Whe-eeee-eeeere is love
[personal profile] curgoth -- Where I buried the bodies.
[personal profile] tim -- dopamine pathways, mostly
[personal profile] matgb -- All around us?
[personal profile] stranger -- behind a curtain, under a rock
[personal profile] tei -- Probably behind the sofa.
[personal profile] ironed_orchid -- Languishing in a lost letters department
[personal profile] dagibbs -- Hiding in the shadows.
[personal profile] mycrazyhair -- In my heart, in my mind, in my smile.
[personal profile] thnidu -- Suspended in eternity
[personal profile] sraun -- Right next to me.
[personal profile] trixieleitz -- In a Safe Place (TM)
[personal profile] izzy -- it went that-a-way!
[personal profile] starwatcher -- Somewhere over the rainbow.
[personal profile] james_g4clf -- Asleep upstairs